Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Targeting Afghanistan!

A caricature sent by Bashir Bakhtiari Afghan graphic designer, caricaturist and filmmaker

Possibility of acceleration in diverge of the Afghan Government

Written By Razaq Mamoon
Translated by Amin Wahidi

After his return from London Karzai’s statements were actually heavy strikes that stroke the strong fences of his governmental power. And now a part of Karzai’s governmental sovereignty castle is blown up by himself and there is no immunity as existed before.
As their usual habits, may be president’s associates assume such analysis as continuous critics of a group dissatisfied of the government, but they know that the truth is trustworthy by whoever it is said.

Mr. Karzai has emphasized in his speech that if the western countries do not accept his vicinity Mullah Omar and other leaders of the Taliban, should they dismiss him or leave Afghanistan.
Such statements seem to be strange in a country where a constitution and other fixed legal frameworks exist. Yet Afghanistan is obliged to heed and respect a series of international protocols and disciplines that are being signed and agreed by this country with the other countries.

Mr. Karzai, who always shows trend to the Taliban, has to explain to the people and to the opposition parties the details, the geographic places of the negotiations as well as the key points being raised in the negations and finally should gain the support and approval of the parliament based on clause 2 of article 64 of the constitution of Afghanistan. But it is seen that the president has not referred to any laws in force in the country through legal approaches.
Undoubtedly his late action questions legitimacy of his decision makings and as well as his statements.

Based on the explanations embodied in the preface and in the article 7 of the constitution of Afghanistan which is being singed and endorsed by Mr. Karzai himself as the president, Afghanistan is obliged to respect and observe the charter of The United Nations, International Conventions, International Declaration of the Human Rights and the oaths taken to prevent terrorist attacks in the governance affairs.

It is obvious that inclusion of the Taliban and Al Qaeeda leaders in the International Black List is a definite case which is documented in the UN Security Council archives. Hence President Karzai does not have the authority to act against UN Security Council approved documents and the articles of Afghanistan constitution, to ask Mullah Omar and his collaborators to take part in the government (based on the sensations and personal commitments with the others), while doing it he overrides whatsoever were considered to be the glittering achievements of the government.

The emphasis by Karzai on negations with Taliban is coincidence with acme of variety of violence by them and a convulsive fear is overshadowing on public opinion inside and outside the country about the Taliban re-empowerment; fiercely killing of 27 persons from Laghman, pouring acid on the faces of school girls, beheading and videotaping the bloody horrible scenes, threatening and burning schools in different corner of Afghanistan has agitated the human conscience but without considering all these problems Mr. Karzai call them brothers and invite them for power sharing in the government.

On the other hand, campaigning against terrorism, Al Qaeeda and the Taliban is explicitly mentioned in the Afghan - US Strategic Cooperation Treaty which is confirmed and endorsed but Mr. Karzai. As said by Dr. Noor Mohammad Daadkhah, the experienced Afghan Diplomat, Karzai can fulfill his attempts if he evicts membership of Afghanistan from the United Nation and annuls the constitution of Afghanistan and all other International protocol frameworks in his policies.

The internal consequences of president’s statements
A question rises here, “did president Karzai consult about it with the cabinet members, the parliament and the supreme court about it before warning unidentified foreign addresses?” and the answer is negative. But still if Mr. Karzai claims that he has consulted with the Jihadi Leaders or the members of Tribal Jirga in this regard, it doesn’t make a sense of legitimacy because nowhere in the constitution of Afghanistan the Jihadi Leaders or the Tribal Jirga are mentioned to be official entities.
More than this, the members of the cabinet members of the current government understand the gradually at the same time serious consequences of president’s warning statements to the international community. Thus it could causes the current cabinet members and other important government officials isolate the current government instead they would approach themselves to the United States and other countries that oppose Karzai’s position.
Although the ministers still have their tight links with the western courtiers they have come from, but they will be changed into the factors of instability of the current government system, especially after President’s latest statements which are in contrast with the constitution as well as with the international conventions.
Undoubtedly this situation can be the beginning of diverge that weaken the executive and managerial power of the government.

It is amazing that now Mr. President makes such statements against the countries that made efforts and invested huge amounts of financial resources to bring him on power and maintain for seven years. Mr. Karzai now not being accountable to the people for his own and his team’s performances brings a new transcript from London to apply on Afghans and the international community.

Although the intention of these statements aren’t unrelated to the electoral campaign but it shouldn't be taken for granted that the international community takes it serious.
Some of the analysts believe that Karzai’s vicinity with the UK- Saudi – Pak triangle has increased the efforts to apply Talibanism once again on the social- political system of Afghanistan.
Saudi Arabia makes efforts to gain what this country could not obtain when was officially supporting the Taliban in late 1990s, but this time through gathering and compromise framework.
It is clear that a conservative government the kind of Taliban is in favor of Saudi Arabia and creates firewalls to block Iran’s influences in the region but they do not think what would happen to poor Afghan people.

Mr. President should first respond about the horrible genocides took place by the Taliban during their sovereignty in Bamyan, Shamali and Mazare Sharif and then if we takes the responsibility of all those historical violence, he would rather announce it officially.

Razaq Mamoon, Afghan writer, journalist researcher and analyst

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The essence of the Taliban

A caricature sent by Bashir Bakhtiari Afghan graphic designer, caricaturist and filmmaker

The eight most threatened journalists in Afghanistan

The eight most threatened journalists in Afghanistan
Men and women journalists who are paying a huge price for excercising their right to freedom of speech

Written by Kamran Mirhazar

A symptom of the continuing collapse of human rights and freedom of speech in Afghanistan, much of which has been sanctioned by officials in the Karzai government, has been the harassment and abuse of journalists who present stories critical of the government. The following eight journalists have been suffering stress and financial hardship, due to on-going threats regarding their journalistic work. There are many more, which will continue to follow.

Razaq Mamoon
Razaq Mamoon is one of Afghanistan’s best known writers and journalists. He worked for the BBC as a journalist, was editor of Radio Azadi, and hosted a well-known roundtable called “Discussion” for Tolo TV. He has authored three books, “Raz-e-Khabida”, a documented story about Dr. Najibullah, the late communist president, who was under U.N. protection at the time of his abduction and murder by a member of the Taliban, Abdul Khaliq, who killed dictator Nadir Khan. His third book is “Zelzela” or “Earthquake.” Currently, Razaq Mamoon is the chief editor of a daily paper, “Payman”.

Mamoon’s “Roundtable” on Tolo TV was an investigative news video magazine that challenged high ranking officials like finance minister Anwarulhaq Ahadi. Because of alleged continuing pressure from Karzai’s team and the president of the lower house of parliament, Younos Qanooni, Tolo TV and its managers, finally discharged Razaq Mamoon.
Now, no government nor non-governmental organization will employ him. High-ranking officials are pressuring the license holder and financer of “Payman” to discharge him. He expects to lose his job there soon.

Razaq Mamoon regularly receives death threats from different sources. The alleged murderer of Dr. Najibullah, Gharzai Khakhogi, who was incriminated by documents in Mamoon’s book, had allegedly planned to kill him. Khakhogi was working as the vice-mayor in Kabul and allegedly paid two terrorists to kill Mamoon. Security organizations discovered and foiled the plot.
Mir Ali Asghar Akbarzada
Mir Ali Asghar Akbarzada had a well-known program called “Mirror of the City” on Afghan National TV. In August, 2008, he was discharged from the network by cultural minister Karim Khoram. Akbarzada recently exposed corruption regarding the Intercontinental Hotel. It involved high ranking officials like national security advisor to the president, Zalmay Rasool, and commerce minister Mohamad Amin Farhang. President Hamid Karzai had granted a no-bid contract to operate the hotel to a company called Freecom for 30 years at only $100,000.00 per year. For four years The Intercontinental Hotel was contracted by Freecom costing millions of dollars in lost government revenue.

Akbarzada had also revealed that more than 120,000 square kilometers of land in the eastern province Nangarhar was provided to one of the land mafia, Nazib Zarab, by Karzai. Akbarzada still has documents showing evidence of that bribe. He is unemployed and was threatened by gunmen several times. He was targeted near the office of chief police in Kabul, but the attack was unsuccessful.

Mohammad Amin Haqjoo
Mohammad Amin Haqjoo is the director of a program on Afghan National TV called “Seeking the Truth.” His program follows cases of murder and kidnapping. He has been threatened several times by armed groups.

Mohammad Hakim Nazari Paryani
Paryani is the news editor of “Payman” newspaper. After publishing a document in “Payman,” that shows Mullah Omar had a hand in killing Mullah Dadullh, the spokesman of the Taliban, Mullah Zabihullah Mujahid called him and threatened him. A few days later, Paryani was stopped by two unknown persons close to his house in the Qale Zaman Khan area (where attackers of the Serena hotel were detained), who asked him to publish a news story that refuted the original. For more than fifteen days he was forced to live in his office or in a friend’s home. Unknown persons have visited his house and asked to see him. He is worried about the safety of his family.

Mobarak Shah Shahram
Shahram worked for Tolo TV on a political satire program called “Lahzaha.” He now works for the “Payman” newspaper. Very recently, persons who looked like Taliban and included a Pakistani man, tried to kidnap him while returning home via taxi. The area was Qala Zaman Khan in Kabul where most members of the Taliban and Hikmatyar’s group are located.
Sayed Nasir Taghadosi
Taghadosi is the chief editor of a newspaper called “Omid e Farda”. After publishing several critical articles about Karzai’s cabinet and the deteriorating political situation, government attorneys opened a case against him. He cannot find a job in government or nongovernmental organizations and faces financial difficulties.
Zahra Moosawi
Ms. Moosawi was a news announcer on Tolo TV, but after receiving various and continuing threats, she is now afraid to leave her home. She had worked for Radio Azadi for 5 years, and had a program called “Morabay e Morch” before joining Tolo TV. The situation for women journalists is deteriorating, and after receiving these threats, she felt forced to quit Tolo TV. She is an educated investigative journalist.

Soheila Weda Khamoosh
Ms. Shoheila Weda Khamoosh works for the “Cheragh” newspaper. Two years ago, when there was a large demonstration in Kabul against Americans, she wrote an article about how security services tortured children who were detained that day. She was detained in the attorney general’s office for half an hour and threatened with violence if she published the article. After it was published in Cheragh, she was threatened by unknown people via telephone. Soon after, a car she was riding in was closely followed by another without licenses plates. Last year, a school principal, Abdulhadi Dawi, attacked her after she had published a report that students were drinking alcohol in school on Teachers Day.

Last year when Khamoosh was preparing a report on document forgery in the office of Official Reform, she was attacked by Jamila Aman, an advisor in that office. Last year, she reported that the published book of the Afghan constitution was printed by the USAID in Pakistan. In that report she stated that Gohar, USAID’s media officer is a Pakistani. Soon after, she and her friends were put under surveillance by the Pakistani government. This year, she was threatened and cursed while at work by police in area number two of Kabul. She continues receiving threats from unknown people. Cars with blacked our windows regularly follow her on the street.
For information about how to help these journalists, go to the Foundation for Free Speech in Afghanistan.
Click Here to see the original post in Kabul Press

Monday, November 24, 2008

The whole details about Parwez Kambakhsh

Click Here to know more about Parwez Kambaskh
The Afghan Journalist accused for Blasphemy, imprisoned for 20 years in Kabul Afghanistan

Will Bashardost be an Obama for Afghanistan?!!

Ramazan Bashardost currently a Hazara MP in the lower house and the former minister of planning who has officially announced his candidature in the presidential election 2009, seem to run more hopeful than the other presumptive candidates for the presidential seat because of his popularity among the Afghan people of different ethnics.

Dr. Ramazan Bashardost’s popularity is not only limited to the Hazaras the ethnic he belongs to, but different people of Afghanistan like him and support him since he has appeared on the political ground of Afghanistan with a nation wide slogan of;
“No ethnic is better than the other; every one should be considered for justice”.

First he belongs to an ethnic that has suffered discriminations and prejudice for years in Afghanistan while there are other specific characteristics regarding him that make the people hopeful for him;

He has a PHD in the Law and political science from France*

He has served as minister of planning in the transitional administration of Afghanistan in 2004- 2005

He has been serving as an elected member of the parliament in the lower house since the establishment of the recent Parliament of Afghanistan

He has been the main critic of the policies and the functioning of the current administration for supporting the warlords, promoting the admin corruption and lack of attention to the poor and lower class category people of the society

He has been the main critic of Karzai on his wrong economic planning and strategies

In 2004-05 when he was the minister of planning, he suspended licenses of more than one thousand national and international NGOs in Afghanistan who were accused of embezzlement and annulled some of them

And like Obama he has been emphasizing on the transparency in the governmental offices, policies and strategies

Considering Ramazan Bashardost’s transparent struggle against the admin corruption in Afghanistan and the need and expectation of the Afghans for a real change in the current situation of Afghanistan, millions of the Afghans think that Ramazan Bashardost could be the real man in the coming electoral campaign to win and bring changes in the country.

See Ramazan Bashardost's Website

Aakhund (semi literated religious scholar)

A Caricature sent by Bashir Bakhtiari Afghan graphic designer, caricaturist and filmmaker