The real Eid is when there is no sign of poverty in the country. " Bashir Bakhtiari" An artistic photo sent by Bashir Bakhtiari Afghan graphic designer, caricaturist and filmmaker email: Blog:
This page is created to reflect the writings and criticisms of the Afghan intellectuals, writers and bloggers on issues such as Politics - Governance - Civil Society - Human Rights & Freedom of Expression in Afghanistan.
Relying on the intellectuals and writers as society’s neutral and trusted watch group on governmental functioning or misbehaviors we would like to provide information on the abovementioned issues in Afghanistan through this blog.
We criticize the misbehaviors of the officials to work for a better Afghanistan and therefore we need your supports for this mission.
While at the same time our struggle is to defend and expand endless and indefinite freedom of expression for humans, we hope this page would be of interest for readers in different corners of the world and would communicate our message of humans’ endless and indefinite freedom of expression to the world.
* Long Tongue (zaban daraz) is a Dari Persian phrase for the person who has a critical language.
Blog Editor: Mohammad Amin Wahidi