Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Obvious Human Rights abuse in Greece

Based on a report by Basir Ahang a member of IFJ
Afghan Independent Refugee Journalist – Italy

As a result of political chaos the situation is getting worse in Afghanistan and there is almost no image of a hopeful and clear future for the country and for the citizens, therefore different categories of people suffer directly or indirectly from the uncertain situation.

Many people flee the country to survive, among whom there are intellectuals as well who have almost finished the energy to resist against the on going situation and had no choice except feeling the country.

Some abandon Afghanistan to return, to the neighboring countries such as Iran or Pakistan where they have been living during the cold war and the civil war. Others, who can, make efforts to reach to the European countries where they think their voice would be heard as victims of war and they would live in peace under the protection of the European countries but what they face is sometimes worse than what was going on in their country and totally in contrast with all propagandas regarding human rights definitions that is shout out to the world through the media.

For the people aiming to reach to the European countries as the safest place for them, it is a gamble of life and death to travel miles of distances, cross mountains and oceans to reach to the shores of peace and safety while on the other hand if they do not flee their country no body assures the primary security of their lives.

People escaping Afghanistan, first they cross the border of Iran and then go to Turkey and then the third point and their entry point to the lands of safety is Greece.

Crossing these Iran and Turkey in order to reach to a third safe country is not out of perils and when they reach to Greece if they are not deported back violently, they are being very badly treated with.

Greece as a port of peace and safety for the refugees, hosts thousands of Afghan immigrants, asylum seekers among the other foreigners who look for safety but unfortunately how the Afghans are being received in this country is reported to be very bad.

Lately Basir Ahang the Afghan refugee journalist in Italy had a trip to Greece together with other Italian journalists to make a report on the lives of the Afghan asylum seekers and refugees in this country.

As reported by Basir Ahang, the situation of the refugees is critical and there is need of serious attention by the International organizations working on refugees’ issues.

What Basir Ahang has reported is mainly obvious misuse of human rights by the Greek police and other governmental officials against the Afghan immigrants and Asylum seekers in Greece.

Most of the asylum seekers and the refugees sleep on roads and under bridges for not being provided with a shelter neither by the government of Greece nor by the other organizations working for the refugees.

Many people are being infected with diseases for the lack of health care and medical services for them neither by the government of Greece nor by the other organizations.

Asylum seekers and refugees face fierce physical violence by the Greek police on daily basis and even some people have lost parts of their body as a result of physical violence.

The physical violence and misbehavior by the Greek police caused many people face psychological problems and suffer mental disorders.

Therefore, we urge the urgent and serious attention of EU, UNHCR, ICRC, and all International Human Rights organizations to help these people in this critical situation, otherwise many people would die for lack of serious of attention of the officials.

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